Dixi-Kasi: Eisenach 2004
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Eisenach 2004

Dieses Treffen des BMW Veteranenclubs Deutschland gehört nun auch schon wieder der Vergangenheit an. Unser Freund Karl-Heinz Cramer hat es vorbildlich geschafft, mit nur wenigen Helfern eine interessante Veranstaltung durchzuführen. Es kamen fast 100 Fahrzeuge an den Start. Da für mich ja nur die 33 DIXIs interessant waren, habe ich mich speziell um diese gekümmert. Unser Sohn Tobias nahm mit seinem Austin Seven Spezial teil. Ein weiterer Austin, der Typ Willys Overland Speedy - übrigens in einem hervorragendem Zustand - wurde gefahren von dem Ehepaar Schmotz aus Bayern. Ein weiterer besonderer Dank geht auch an die Jazzband "DIXI-DRIVERS", die extra aus München angereist kam, um uns den Begrüssungsabend zu verschönern. Unser englischer Freund Ken Cooke hat seine Eindrücke in dem unten aufgeführten Bericht geschildert. Dieser erschein im 750 MC Bulletin.  

Das Einverständnis des Redakteurs der Eisenacher Zeitung - Herrn Rainer Beichler  - voraussetzend habe ich hier einen link auf Eisenachonline vorgenommen. Hier sind sehr viele Fotos von bester Qualität zu sehen unter:




Dem Bericht des Redakteurs von Eisenachonline ist eigentlich nichts mehr hinzuzufügen. Ich hatte das Vergnügen, die Oldtimer beim Start am Samstagmorgen vorzustellen. Hier wurden auch die Fotos erstellt, die nun in der Startreihenfolge zu sehen sind:



 Dieses sind die startenden Fahrzeuge aus

 der DIXI Reihe.

Da ich die Fahrt über die Einfahrstrecke aller BMW  Vorkriegswagen nicht mitmachen konnte wegen der Startansage, fuhr ich direkt zur Mittagsrast in das BMW Werk bei Krauthausen. Dort war ein "Familientag", denn Kind und Kegel waren zur Besichtigung der Oldtimer dort versammelt. Das interessierte Publikum hatte genügend Gelegenheit, sich alle Fahrzeuge bestens anzuschauen und erklärt zu bekommen. Hier sind die am meisten bewunderten Vierzylinder dieser Veranstaltung: Der DA 3 der Familie Laue aus Erstbesitz, der DA 1 Lieferwagen "Rund um die Welt" von Herbert Nocker und der Austin Seven Specail von Tobias.



Mit dem Wetter hatten wir während des gesamten Treffens viel Glück. Es hat nur geregnet, wenn die Fahrzeuge abgestellt waren. Alle Teilnehmer erreichten ohne Panne wieder in Eisenach den Heinrich-Ehrhardt-Platz. Dort wurden die Fahrzeuge noch einmal ausgestellt. Es war schon schön anzusehen, wie sich rund 30 DIXIs in einer Ecke versammelt hatten: 


Am Samstag abend war ein gemeinschaftliches Abendessen aller Teilnehmer. Begeistert von der Vielzahl der teilnehmenden DIXIs fragten uns die Eisenacher Freunde, ob es nicht möglich sei, mindestens 100 (in Worten: einhundert) DIXIs nach Eisenach zu bekommen. Hier wurde sofort der Präsident des DIXI Club München, Achim Klett, in die Verpflichtung genommen. Eine solche Ansammlung von DIXI Fahrzeugen hat es noch nie gegeben und wird dann wohl ein Eintrag in das Guinessbuch der Rekorde bringen. Wir werden hier dran arbeiten!

Am Sonntagmorgen fuhren alle Oldtimer in einem Korso auf den Marktplatz um dort an der Siegerehrung teilzunehmen. Ken Cooke, unser englischer Freund vom 750 CM Club, hatte mit Tobias den 5. Platz bei den Vierzylindern erreicht. Karl-Heinz Cramer übergab den Gewinnern einen schönen Pullover mit einem DIXI - Emlem. Dieser wird nun stolz in England vorgeführt. Auf dem Marktplatz hatten wir noch enügend Gelegenheit über unsere Erlebnisse zu erzählen. Interessant waren da natürlich die Ausführungen des Weltenbummlers Herbert Nocker. Hierüber berichte ich noch später unter der Rubrik "Weltumrundung". Mit dem Gedanken und dem Impuls, im nächsten Jahr ein DIXI Mammuttreffen mitzumachen, fuhren alle Teilnehmer fröhlich heim.


  Herbert Nocker, Ken Cooke und Kasi senior
   Ken Cooke am A 7 Special von Tobias
Zum erstenmal gezeigt: J. Thuraus Lieferwagen
Auf dem Eisenach Marktplatz: viele Zuschauer

Ken Cooke und Tobias mit dem Preis. Dahinter

       sind Karl-Heinz Cramer und Rüdiger Jopp.


Jeder Teilnehmer bekam dieses schöne Emailleschild

Alles in allem: Eine sehr schöne Veranstaltung mit großem Werbeeffekt für die Münchner Automarke ohne deren Sponsoring!

Hier der Bericht unseres englischen Freundes Ken Cooke, den er für das 750 CM Bulletin verfasst hat:




July 2004

As should be well known in keen car circles, from 1928 the Austin 7 was made under licence in Germany, by a well established automobile manufacturing company, the Dixi Werk, in Eisenach. (The first Dixi car was produced in 1904). Converted to LHD, the German Austin Seven model was known as the DA1, (Dixi-Austin 1) 3/15. In 1929 the firm was taken over by BMW, up till then only made motor/cycles and aero engines, who continued to produce the Seven based car until 1932 when their first 6cyl. model was introduced. So the Austin Seven became the first BMW motor car!

To celebrate this double anniversary a large rally was held in the east-central German town of Eisenach and I was lucky enough to be invited!! I would have loved to have gone in my Chummy but we were short of time and our budget for the year was stretched to breaking point so I went over by Ryanair (@ £1 each way + taxes), to Erfurt. 750 member, Helmut Kasimirowicz arranged for me to be accepted as a passenger and for Lutz Schmidt and Sylvia to pick me up from the airport and take me to their home near Gotha - conveniently only 25 miles away and a similar distance from Eisenach. (Lutz and Sylvia were at Beauleiu this year in their 1930 BMW/Dixi.

On that Friday evening Lutz took me to Eisenach in his Dixi with Sylvia and her daughter following in the former’s modern. The Dixi was left at Joachim Thurau’s house in Eisenach and we went on to a buffet reception in a restored part of the old factory. Here I met several old friends, including Helmut (Dixi Kasi), Jens Timmerman and Horst and Barbel Schonlau, enjoyed some good food and listened to the "Dixi Drivers Jazz Band".

It was an early start on Saturday to get to Eisenach for 9am assembly in a large car park near the old, largely derelict, factory. (The last car was produced here in March 1990, a Wartburg, named after the nearby Castle). This was the first chance to see most of the entries to this BMW supported event. Just short of 100 entries. There were 33 Dixi and BMW/Dixis in a wide variety of body styles, 4 seat tourers, 2 seat tourers, saloons, cabriolets, vans and sports. The rest were made up of later BMWs, many very rare models - most with that lovely sounding straight six engine - up to about 1970. There were five EMWs, (Eisenach Motor Werk) - BMs made in Eisenach post war. There were also 2 or three IFAs and Wartburgs which were made in the adjacent factory. Among the early Dixi DA1s was Horst and Barbel in the car that replaced the one written off in an accident on Eurotour02. Herbert Nocker was there in his (nearly) ‘round the world’ DA1 van. Herbert’s trip took him across the US, down through the central American republics and by boat to New Zealand. It was then by sea to Adelaide where he had high praise for the help and hospitality arranged by 750 rep., Ron Burchett. He also visited A7 members of the Austin7 Club of Victoria in Melbourne and Sydney. The Van was shipped from Adelaide direct to Italy Herbert having decided against Indonesia due to the political situation there. The Ihle bodied DA2 sports versions - looking just like a miniature 328, clearly showed the birth of the BMW trade mark divided radiator cowl. There were two Sevens present, a Wyllis Overland Crosely LHD Speedy built, or at least assembled, in Berlin belonging to ex 750member Siegbert Schmotz. (Believed to be the car shown at the 1934 Berlin Motor Show) and Helmut’s son, Tobias’s, A7 special.

At about 10am the cars were photographed and flagged off from the arched entrance to the old factory, at 1 min. intervals, on a 100kilo drive of the pre-war BMW test route. As the only Brit. present, I was happy to ride with Tobias in spite of the lack of aero screen on the passenger side. We were given a ‘tulip’ style route book, which made it easier for me to navigate in German. For about 20 miles we followed the attractive route, through the Thuringer Forest, out of Eisenach that we used of the Eurotour02.

Several official stops were made for photos and to answer questions about Dixi / BMW history. We also made several un-official stops as the special started to loose it’s wasser. This gave Tobias the excuse to show the cars performance as he raced to catch up and pass some of the cars that overtaken us!

The final stop was at the new BMW factory, just out side Eisenach, for a nice buffet lunch. Some of us took the opportunity of looking over the factory, which produces dies for BMWs body panels as well as a few other makes - including the new Rolls Royce. When I had recovered from this shock, I reminded our guide that if it were not for the Austin Seven he might be working for Volkswagen, Opel or, worse still, Mercedes Benz!

Then it was back to Eisenach, with the rain stinging my face, to reassemble where we started earlier in the day.

With the rest of the afternoon off, I had the opportunity to look round the lovely town with Helmut. Eisenach is the birthplace of J.S. Bach and where Martin Luther lived while he translated the New Testament in a room in the Wartburg Castle.

There was a more formal dinner in the Thuringerhof (well known to Eurotorists) in the evening. There were several speeches but my 5 words of German don’t allow to report on their content. I can tell you that those who spoke included the overall organiser, Karl Heinz Kramer, Michael Stuck, curator of the Eisenach Motor Museum, The president of the BMW Veteran Club, the new head of BMW ‘Mobile Tradition’ (following the death of Christian Eich in the Paris Concord crash) and the deputy mayor who presented the 4 foreign visitors, including yours truly, with a nice hardback book of Eisenach. Superb photos, taken earlier in the day by Joachen Thurau and his wife Sabina, were available to all during the evening.

It was another 10am start on Sunday for a grand cavalcade through the streets of the town. This time I rode in the back of Lutz’s car from which I was able to take, what should be, some good video footage. The cold, overcast weather probably kept the crowds down but there were enough people lining the streets to illustrate their interest in the car manufacturing heritage of this ‘Motown of Eastern Germany’. One 93 year old spectator told us that he remembers building the engines for successful EMW sports-racer in the early post war years. One of it’s drivers, Paul Theil, was also at the rally. At the end of the cavalcade the cars made an impressive site in the Markt Plaz, overlooked by the town hall and the ever present Wartburg Castle. This was the time for a last look round the cars before a bowl of soup at, what Helmut K. described as a ‘field kitchen’ and another little presentation for those that had done well in the quiz attached to yesterday’s

Road run. Tobias was kind enough to pass the Dixi jumper that he had won to his navigator. By midday it was Auf Wedersein as most of the entrants prepared to return to their home.

Back to Lutz’s ‘local’ to watch ‘M.S’ win another GP at Silverstone, a BBQ at his home in the evening and a guided tour of beautiful Erfort (Sylvia was born there) the following day before flying back to Stanstead. This brought to an end a truly superb weekend for which thanks to Lutz, Sylvia, Dana, Helmut, Tobias and all the other entrants who showed me so many kindnesses and made me feel so welcome.

Finally some notes on the cars and their owners.

The standard of presentation is excellent. Many of the cars, especially the Dixis, are what we would call over restored, some with chrome wheel hubs, chrome spokes or chrome rims. Many windscreen pillars are chrome plated as are were other fittings such as front wing stays and flasher mounts. Many drivers and passengers were dressed in period costume and most in open cars wore flying helmets. A very high proportion of the cars came on trailers - including many of the pre-war BMWs.

Ken Cooke

Thank you, Ken!




weitere Seiten:
DIXI auf Rügen 2004
Eisenach 2004



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